Monday, September 8, 2008


Justin Timberlake's William Rast line showed last night at the Roseland Ballroom. The minute the show finished, Anna Wintour dashed toward the backstage, though she had a little trouble getting past a burly guard. A Rast staffer quickly recognized her and led her right in and up to Timberlake.

'Hey! Thanks so much for coming!' Timberlake exclaimed. 'My pleasure,' Wintour replied, adding that she liked the show but had to dash. 'Can we get together soon?' Wintour asked. 'Of course. Email me and we'll make it work,' Justin replied."

Check out highlights from the show:

And JT hasn't been exactly been subtle about promoting it: He's appeared in his label's, uh, distinctive geometric-lapeled blazer—a staple of the fall collection—everywhere, rocking white on the cover of Fashion Rocks, gray to the event's red carpet, and black to the after-party. We get it, Justin, you've got a clothing line. But would one night off really be so bad?