Thursday, September 11, 2008

A tribute to the Victims of The 9-11 Attacks

Early that morning
The sun did shine
Clocks did swing
But man knew not
what the day will bring
Later that day
America wept in sadness
The universe darkened
Humanity depressed

A gloomy day it was
A day filled with tears
Innocent lives lost
Breadwinners crushed and burnt
All caused by heartless and evil men
One no Omen could have forseen
A barbaric act ever to be condemned
The aim to humiliate a nation
Frustrate her dependents

The Twins may have fallen
But one thing will remain
though she was maimed
America refuses to fall

Elfonnie Copyright ©2002
Dedicated to all the victims of 9/11
Originally Written 9/11/2002

We pray for the families who lost their love ones to such a senseless act. We pray that God will continue to strengthen them. We pray for the wann-be suicide bombers, we pray that God will open their eyes to the light. We pray for a peaceful world; a world filled with love, brotherly kindness and joy.