Friday, September 26, 2008


They’ve ruled the city- and told us why this city rules” Jay-Z along with 39 other celebs, socialites and business czars, appear on the cover of Time Out New York’s 40th Anniversary collector’s issue. The list also includes, Derek Jeter, Mayor Bloomberg, Elliot Spitzer and Tina Fey.

In the article, Jay discusses his wife, Beyonce, and working with Kanye West on Blueprint 3. He even manages to give his rap nemesis a compliment:

You’re the only rapper on this list. We were considering Nas but have this 13-year rule: People on this list had to have had an impact in the last 13 years. And Illmatic was 1994. Should we have included him?
Jay-Z: Ah, wow! [Laughs] That’s a tough question. [Pauses] Yeah, only because of the impact of that album, when it’s considered one of the best albums ever created, you have to document that.

How about Kanye? Has he earned it yet?
Jay-Z: He’s from Chicago, but he’s close. I don’t know if he’s had that one album that’s moved the entire culture, but he’s hit it three times in a row. He’ll be on every list one day.

Are you guys really teaming up for Blueprint 3?
Jay-Z: Yeah, actually. We’re partners right now. Starsky and Hutch right now.

And B? What was your first meeting with your wife like?
Jay-Z: I can’t answer that question. [Laughs] Come on now.

For The Full Coverage, Click Here,