Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Chanel Iman and Jourdan Dunn appear on the cover of Teen Vogue's November issue. They ooze love and good vibrations for one another. Nothing's better than two perfect-looking young women loving each other on the cover of a teen magazine! But their friendship saw a dark day. A dark, jealous, competitive day.

"I could sit here and tell you, 'I love Jourdan! We've always been the best of friends!'" she says. "But we haven't. Until recently, we barely even spoke. We went from being superclose in the beginning," she says, "to dead silence if we saw each other backstage at a show." Not even a hello? "If we did say hi, it was hi, and that's it."

For that bastion of friendship and warm fuzzies that is the fashion industry came between them, if you can imagine. Jourdan explains that black models are pitted against each other because there are so few jobs for them. Many labels are only looking for one black girl at castings. Jourdan says, "People will say things in Chanel's ear like, 'Jourdan is taking your spot,' and then they'll say to me, 'Don't trust Chanel.'"

The November issue of Teen Vogue hits news stands on October 13th, but until then, read the full interview and see the complete shoot here.