Saturday, April 12, 2008

Never knew Okada (Motorcycle) Had More Room Space Than a Vehicle

Vietnamese are disturbingly taking Okada riding to the next level....Really, I used to think Naija Okada situation was ridiculous....until I got these images forwarded to me.... Men! this is over the top.........

The pigs underneath are in some serious trouble...they'll probably be dead at the end of the journey.

I would be wiping if I was the person sitting in front.... Look,look,look at her smiling, while he is squeezing the hell out of her.

Sorry fishes... I can feel the heat.

hmmmn... poor chickens, hens and ducks... I guess they are saying; 'help us lord'.

Count with me; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.... on an Okada?
Geeeze! What are they thinking!
speak it on.....