Friday, January 11, 2008

My Trip to Madame Tussauds NYC

With Oprah
So I lived in New York for Five years but did very little touring of Manhattan. So these days whenever am home for a visit, I take it upon myself to visit nice places in and around Manhattan. I was home in New York for Christmas and the New Year so decided to go somewhere indoors to stay away from the freezing rain and Madame Tussauds was just a perfect place for the rainy day. I took so many pictures with waxed celebrities but I'll share just one for now.

For those who haven't heard much about M.T. Here's a 101 lecture for you:
Madame Tussauds is a famous wax museum in London with branches in a number of major cities. It was set up by wax sculptor Marie Tussaud. Visit for the rest of the lecture.